I guess its the blank canvas of possibilities. Artist block is always and it can be difficult some times. De
voting a time and place for creative energy is tough. Especially when I spend all day getting oth
er to be creative.
An idea in your
head can seem so different on paper or out loud. Getting it to come out right is a challenge but trying to get it right is part of the process. People can not see in you head and understand what you are trying to do. There are lots of ways to show something, coded or not. I like to be cryptic to a degree about personal art. It is a delicate balance of communication. I spend a lot of time getting the image together to say exactly what I want people to get with out being direct. My professor in college said I was a "bitch" because I never really explained what it was about. He meant it in a figurative way of course.
Blank books help me with my lostness and inspiration. I have one for every subject of my interest. Knitting, printing, art projects for me, art projects for my students, recipes, mix tape list, memories, dreams, friends, trips. Some of these books overlap and are combinations of themes and time based i.e. sketch book from high school, or one from college.
I am a sucker for inspiration apparently. My journal I sometimes write it is a blank hard bound sketch book. I have several blank books that I have started and abandon. I
Does anyone else think like this?
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